Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Subcomondante Marcos


Subcomondante Marcos is the spokesperson for the EZLN.
Marcos is an author, a political poet, and an outspoken opponent of capitalism. Marcos insists on having the Mexican constitution amended to recognize the rights of the country's indigenous inhabitants. He has been described as the modern Che Guevara. The name "Marcos" is actually not his name, but the name of a friend killed at a military road checkpoint. He is only seen wearing a balaclava, and his true identity is a mystery.

This video interview highlights his disdain for the media and the neoliberalism within the media. He mentions that the independent media has value though - and he compares it to the book Farenheit 451 (which, if you havent read it, deals with a society which censors books to the point where if you own a banned book, you are 'taken' by the police). He compares it to this book by saying that in Farenheit, the members of the society memorized the books to be able to keep them alive even when they couldnt have them in front of them. This saved them from being destroyed because they could still be passed down -so the ideas would not be lost - the truth shall prevail. He says its the same with independent media - they try to save history and preserve it so that it can be shared and will not disappear.

This reminded me a lot of the problem in Oaxaca - where the media was spreading lies - so they had to take over and spread the truth. They became the independent media that subcomondante marcos is speaking of. By taking over the mass media- the "monopolized media" as he puts it, they are protecting and sharing the truth and spreading knowledge.

The weird part, is he is calling this war on mass media, and the fight to establish an independent network of truth - the 'Forth World War" -- I think this is a bit overzealous for a title. But anyways, they are seeking the help of the National Commission for Democracy in Mexico to spread this video. It obviously worked, because it's on Youtube. At the end, in english, he says goodbye and goodluck.

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