Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Interesting PBS series airing tonight

FYI - also, SU professor Silvio Torres-Saillant was involved in this series together with Prof. Gates.

"Black in Latin America is the third of a trilogy that began in 1999 with the broadcast of Professor Gates’s first series for public television, Wonders of the African World, an exploration of the relationship between Africa and the New World, a story he continued in 2004 with America Beyond the Color Line, a report on the lives of modern-day African Americans. Black In Latin America, premiering nationally Tuesdays April 19, 26 and May 3, 10, 2011 at 8 p.m. (ET) on PBS (check local listings), examines how Africa and Europe came together to create the rich cultures of Latin America and the Caribbean." -PBS

PBS series website: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/black-in-latin-america/featured/preview-black-in-latin-america/172/

Preview on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rySn2z0dJSk

1 comment:

  1. It was very interesting. I never knew how different the two cultures were (of the Dominican Repubnlic and Haiti). It must be hard shnaring an island when they have two time zones (one hr apart), one side speeks Creole and the other Spanish, and one side is proud to be Black and one side is proud to bne Spanish - and most deny their Blackness despite their aparent dark skin. They definately have a complex social structure due to the awful history of one side being second class citizens of the other. If anyone wants to see it, I have it on tape.
