Wednesday, May 4, 2011

When I first decided to do my assignment I was very surprised to not be able to find alot of information on her. Most of the information I found was based on an article that was translated into english. It has some good information on her including movies she did and also some of her personal life and relationships. It is a very good source of info. It maybe a little confusing cause the google trans. into a he sometime instead of a she. Other than that everything else is straight forward. Enjoy the article.

1 comment:

  1. After your presentatation I was thinking all day how could "the queen of rock" be forgotten? I reached a conclusion that rock in general has been pretty much forgotten about. In my opinion pop has taken over the mexican music industry so therefore nobody really knows or cares about a movement that is non-existent. Another important factor is that with the technology that we have now a days it music is global, and a movement like mexican rock is buried even deeper.
