Thursday, March 31, 2011


With a title like that I can only be talking about one band and that would be Rage Against the Machine. This band would be known when it comes to discussing politics within their lyrics. While sitting around thinking of how I would be able to relate them into the music of the Mexican Culture I began to think how is this possible. Then as I began to look into what music would be related to Zapatista. While after going through my library and searching a few things the song "Zapata's Blood" came up. I found this quite interesting because this would be a band that would be known for their political commentary writing a song about historical events that can be linked to what is happening in the present day. I found this interesting because this band would have quite a large fan base so many people would be getting a hold of this sound and the information that is passed along. I highly recommend taking a listen to this song because it carries very relevant information in regards to what is/was happening. A specific area in the lyrics that would stick out is when they talk about how the PRI needs to not be in power and when it is finally dead the peoples voices will be heard once again.

The link is


  1. What I didn't realize was how heavily involved de la Rocha is with Mexican activism. Apparently his grandfather fought in the Mexican Revolution of 1910, being a main cultural factor as to why he's such a strong supporter of the EZLN

  2. While watching this video I felt more of a connection or it frightened me a bit more than the films we seen in class. I believe it had alot to do with the music and in this video the police had ski-masks on there face. There was also people on the ground and the cameras were right in there faces. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't believe in the movie that we actually seen people on the ground being arrested and having a camera right in thier faces. I'm sure there is so much more footage out there which is alot more frightening and alot more bone-chilling stories. My point is I'm glad there are groups out there willing to make songs about this in terms of them being well-known in America.I know there are groups and people out there making alot of music but it may not be popular in America.

  3. Blondean, I agree with you in regards to the intensity of the video. There are several moments where I found myself struggling to keep watching the screen. One part of the video that I found particularly interesting was the quote by Subcomandante Marcos. He states, "Our choice is not between war and peace but between life with dignity or without". This quite is extremely touching and shows the immense passion felt by both Marcos and his fellow Zapatistas. It takes away all of the negative views placed on the Zapatista and makes the viewer realize how inhumane the government is acting towards these people.
